I'm kicking off the summer celebrating all things pretty. Sounds like fun, right?
I recently gathered with some very lovely ladies and we had a "Pretty Party" hosted by the super-cute and talented, Anna Sanders. We played with all Mary Kay products, of course. Fun {and prettiness} was had by all.
Here are some shots with everyone loving their new looks, along with pictures of the beautiful set up Anna put together. I want to be her when I grow up, btw.
L.O.V.E. this movie. For reals. I laughed SO much! It's been a looong time since I last saw a romantic comedy that I enjoyed this much. I totally have a girl crush on Ginnifer Goodwin {already did, but now it's official}. The story is a good one, but the writing is great. I will definitely read the book this summer.
Two words: John. Krasinski. All of the actors were great, and of course, the movie wouldn't have been as magical without Ginnifer's fantasticly cute delivery, BUT. I never thought I'd meet a John Krasinski character I loved more than Jim. There. I said it. And I supposed there's plenty of Jim in this new character, but he was Hhhhysterical!
It must be said that there is a moral dilemma presented that I know would turn some viewers off. I thought it was handled honestly. Making the right choice isn't automatically easier because you're a believer. Being a believer just makes it easier to see what the "right" choice is. The characters in the movie probably don't always make the right choices, but it doesn't negate the truth behind the writing and the fact that everyone struggles to make decisions when she knows they will impact the people around her. For good or bad.
Well, there it is. I fully support watching this movie. Over and over. Have you seen it?? Are you going to see it??? Share your thoughts, ladies!!
P.S. I totally want to do this dance with a friend. I think Mary Ellen, given her penchant for cool dance moves, would be a great option.
For all three of you who regularly check this thing, I have so much to say!! Here are my thoughts in absolutely no order whatsoever:
I turned 30. I wanted a surprise party and didn't get one. Adam has now declared that we are going to celebrate my 30th birthday every year. I like this plan.
I only have twelve days left with my kids at school. It's incredibly bittersweet. I broke down crying in 5th period last week b/c it was my last time teaching a particular scene in Romeo and Juliet. The kids are not happy that I'm leaving and they want me to stay. Of course, I remind them that they wouldn't have me for 10th grade, but that doesn't seem to matter... Other kids are fighting over who will get to babysit our kids when we start having babies. I don't even know what to do with that.
I participated in a high school girls-only spa night called "Glow" - I did facials for the girls and we read through some scripture and talked about purity. It was AWESOME. I loved being able to serve in a way that incorporate three of my favorite things: Jesus, teenagers, and Mary Kay!
Speaking of Mary Kay, I have some of the most incredible women on my team!! I'm so blessed and really trusting God's timing on all of this, and he has provided perfectly.
I'm going on target this month to earn the use of my first free car w/ MK - how crazy is that?!?
I was allowed the rare privilege of teaching at our weekly Mary Kay meeting this past Monday. All the teaching is normally done by our Directors. I co-taught with my director, Meg, and it was SO much fun!
I, like my friend, Kate, am obsessed and can't get enough of the royals! I definitely woke up at 5:30 last Friday morning {even though I had taken the day off and could have slept in forever} to watch the whole thing. I sat on the couch in the dark with my laptop as the sun rose outside and watch the fairytale wedding unfold. And OH! I couldn't get over the choir - the music was AH-mazing!! I absolutely cried. I love, love, love weddings. Adam thought I needed my head checked. It was awesome. Oh, and I might as well confess I spent some time checking out cheap versions of her engagement ring...it is beautiful!
So, why did I take that day off? Well, it wasn't actually to practice my royal wave. I drove to Savannah {after the wedding festivities, of course} to lead worship for an all-girls weekend retreat. It was so much fun! One of the girls, as it turns out, will be going toMilligan in the fall. Naturally, this girl became my instant favorite {Go Buffs!}. We had worship on the beach Saturday night. It had been a long time since I last worshiped under the stars. God is so good - all the time!
H&M has an improved website where you can now navigate all of their new products and it tells you the cost of each item. It used to drive me crazy that you couldn't search their site for their new stuff {still drives me crazy that you can't just order from the site, but whatever}. H&M always has cute and affordable items. I'm pretty spoiled living twenty minutes from the nearest location. I wish Anthropolgie were that close to me . . . then again, that would only be trouble . . . Anyhow, here's my favorite pick today from H&M:
I got an iPad. 1st generation, used. My brother-in-law, who is a professional cool kid, upgraded to and iPad 2, so we were able to afford-ably purchase his first one. And not for nothing, b/c my laptop has basically crapped out, so we were in need of a relatively easy fix. I have no clue how to work it, but it's fun to play with! {twss, for all you Office fans out there}
And finally, I have to say that I'm super excited about this coming Friday night - LeAnne and I are going to PF Chang's for dinner {she's never been!} and then we're going to see Something Borrowed. It should be the perfect girls night! I will let you know what we thought of the movie. The first time I ever went to a PF Chang's was actually in Oklahoma when I was visiting my friend,Josh. We, along with his parents, were going out for dinner on my first night there, and they all let me order first since I was the guest. Well, the waitress asked for my drink order and I very naturally started, "Oh, Sweet ... I mean, uh.... Diet Coke?" Totally forgot I wasn't in sweet tea land anymore. And I have to share one more story - I love going to movies with LeAnne. My absolute FAVORITE moment with her was when we went to see The Holiday a few years back. We were both ridiculously single, so we always counted on each other as a date for the latest romantic comedy. Well, in the first five minutes of the movie we meet Rose, who is hopelessly in love with a man who, of course, does not love her back. She goes home, alone, after finding out the man she loves is engaged to someone else and she's sobbing her little heart out when LeAnne announces in the theatre, "I did NOT pay to come watch my own life in a movie!!" I about died. It was so funny! Well, it's fun to look back on now that we're both happily married to great guys.
Well, I'm sure I'll have plenty say after the next few weeks. Pray I handle the transition of leaving teaching well. It's gonna be tough!
As you know, I am a Mary Kay consultant. Well, I am one MK consultant who LOVES birthdays!! My 30th birthday is March 3rd, and I've decided to share the celebration and give discounts on some of my most favorite skin care products! GET EXCITED!!!
March 1-10 only - receive 30% off ANY of the following products:
Timewise Cleanser
Timewise Moisturizer
Timewise Day Solution or Night Solution
Timewise Microdermabrasion Set (my favorite and a GREAT deal!!)
Timewise Firming Eye Cream
Timewise Even Complexion Mask or Essence
Timewise Replenishing Serum+C
Timewise Targeted Action Toning Lotion (LOVE the way this smells and makes my skin feel!)
These products offer 11 age-defying benefits in one skin care regimen: cleanse, exfoliate, freshen, energize, hydrate, smooth, firm, soften, protect, rebuild and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It even works with sensitive skin.
To order online, visit www.marykay.com/laurasue
To receive this special discount, enter "BIRTH30" in the comments section.
Thanks so much for stopping by! I love to hear from my readers, so take a minute to say hello. Grace & Peace!
Meet the Dreamer
Laura Sue Johnson
Life is all about transitions. If you're not transitioning, you're probably not living. This is my account of one girl trying to enter her 30s with slight dignity and occasional grace. Who I was ten years ago had no idea that this is who I'd be today. I hope that ten years from now, I'm still just as surprised and excited about how life, well, changes . . .